What is the St. Monica Ministry?

  The St. Monica Ministry is a dedicated community and prayer network offering hope and support to the families and friends of  fallen-away Catholics. It is a rapidly-growing apostolate, with subscribers in forty-one U.S. states, as well as in Spain, South Africa, Malta, Trinidad and Tobago,  the Philippines, Nova Scotia, Ireland, Australia, and Canada.   The seeds being planted by this ministry are small and humble,             but we believe that, through both our trustful efforts and St. Monica’s intercession, God will give an astounding increase. 

The St. Monica Ministry offers a free digital “Welcome Kit” on     request.  The kit includes our Manual for Parishes plus our Rosary of  Supplication meditations and Wayfaring St. Monica devotional,              in addition to other helpful resources.  To request your Welcome Kit, please use the contact form on this website or email StMonicaMinistry27@gmail.com 

 Sign up for our newsletter at StMonicaMinistry27@gmail.com

St. Monica Ministry Holy Hour of Petition and Hope

The Holy Hour of Petition and Hope is a powerful and moving devotion.  In the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament, we ask Our Lord’s mercy and invoke St. Monica’s intercession for the return of our prodigals to the Faith. There are several distinguishing elements to the Holy Hour of Petition and Hope.  These elements – the signing of the Book of Petition, the lighting of Candles of Entreaty, and the praying of the Rosary of Supplication for Our Prodigals – all help to strengthen our sense of community, nurture our hope, and renew our sense of purpose.


St. Monica Ministry Meetings

There is a strong relational dimension to the St. Monica Ministry.  This dimension is expressed through its meetings.  Meetings speak to those who (1) need to unburden themselves by talking about their experiences, (2) may feel isolated in their faith community as a result of their prodigals’ rejection of the Faith, (3) find that others don’t understand what they are going through, and/or (4) would benefit from listening to others share their stories. By connecting with faithful Catholics who are walking the same road, many have found solidarity, solace, and the strength to walk lovingly with their prodigals. 

St. Monica Ministry Book Discussions

A standard component of St. Monica Ministry meetings is the book discussion.  It is natural to feel helpless or disheartened when your loved ones leave the Church, so we strive to choose books that offer hope and provide practical material for fruitful conversation.  Recommended titles include Return by Brandon Vogt and The Saint Monica Club  by Maggie Green.

St. Monica Ministry Icon

The St. Monica image featured on our prayer cards (see above) is the Ministry’s official icon.  The icon was lovingly written by a retired priest of the Diocese of Allentown, PA, who created it as an alternative to the representations depicting St. Monica as despondent or haggard. Our St. Monica is holding a scroll that reads “Nothing is far from God.” These words, once spoken by
St. Monica herself, assure us that, even when our loved ones are far from the Church, they remain in God’s sight and under His care. St. Monica’s serene expression reflects her conviction that her husband and son will return to the Faith. A copy of the icon is displayed for veneration at every Holy Hour
of Petition and Hope.

St. Monica Ministry Rosary of Supplication for Our Prodigals

Since the thirteenth century, the rosary as we know it has been a powerful tool for conversion. Trusting in its power to change hearts, we pray the Rosary of Supplication for Our Prodigals. This very special rosary includes original meditations that speak to the needs both of the fallen away and of those who are praying for their loved ones’ return.  Each meditation either parallels or contrasts the stated mystery with something in our own, or in our prodigals’, lives.  

         St. Monica Ministry         “Wayfaring St. Monica”

In the “Wayfaring St. Monica” program, the official St. Monica icon is displayed for veneration in individuals’ homes. Modeled on the Pilgrim Virgin Statue Tour, the Wayfaring St. Monica program offers (1) an option for community prayer for those whose circumstances prevent them from attending St. Monica Ministry Holy Hours and meetings, (2) a chance to spread devotion to St. Monica beyond the parish community, and       (3) an opportunity to spend time in private prayer before the official icon of the St. Monica Ministry.

  St. Monica Ministry Manual for Parishes

The St. Monica Ministry Manual for Parishes outlines an easy-to-follow program for drawing our prodigals back to the Church while meeting our own needs for support and solidarity.  The manual is a digital resource that is available free of charge, and may be requested via the Contact Form on this website.  A fillable Holy Hour program template, a printable PDF of our St. Monica icon,  a Wayfaring St. Monica promo flyer, and the twenty meditations of the Rosary of Supplication for Our Prodigals will accompany the manual.

St. Monica Ministry Newsletter

The St. Monica Ministry newsletter is emailed to subscribers on a monthly basis.  Each issue contains items of interest to faithful Catholics who are praying for fallen-away loved ones.  For those residing in or near the Diocese of Allentown, the newsletter also contains information on upcoming Holy Hours and meetings taking place at the ministry’s “home parish” of St. Theresa’s in Hellertown, PA.  To subscribe, please use the Contact Form on this website.